Younghoon Jung (정영훈)

  • Ph.D. in Mathematics
  • Principal Research Engineer at Mobilint


Younghoon is a principal research engineer at Mobilint. He aims to solve real-world problems using advanced mathematics and scientific computing.

Younghoon has a variety of backgrounds including mechanical engineering(BE), mathematics(Ph.D.), and software development, which allows him to understand the grand scheme of the underlying problem like a mechanical engineer, analyze the principal details like a mathematician, and write code like a software engineer.

Younghoon Jung holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the KAIST, Korea. During his Ph.D. he researched Interface problems and wrote several journal papers. In particular, he developed a new geometric series solution method for harmonic problems based on the geometric function theory that applies to a domain of very arbitrary shape. This research work proves his talents, creativity, and persistence.

Technical Strengths

  • Programming language and frameworks
    Python, MATLAB, Julia, JAVA, Scala, C++, SQL,
    Spark, Calcite, PyTorch,
  • Mathematical Analysis
    PDE, Inverse problems, Asymptotic analysis, Scientific computing
  • Computer Science
    Reinforcement Learning, NPU compiler


  • Ph.D. Mathematical Sciences
    2014.09 - 2019.02
    KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
    Dissertation: Analysis and numerical computation on the transmission problem based on the geometric function theory
    Advisor: Mikyoung Lim
  • M.S. Mathematical Sciences
    2012.09 - 2014.08
    KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
    Thesis: Estimating the volume fraction of an inclusion in a body from boundary measurements in two-dimensional conductivity problem
    Advisor: Mikyoung Lim
  • B.E. Mechanical Engineering (Double Major in Mathematical Sciences)
    2008.02 - 2012.08
    KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  • Korea Science Academy
    2005.03 - 2008.02


  • Simulation of x.Cloud and research of high-performance job scheduler (Project Manager)
    2021.07 - 2021.12
    Workload modeling and generation based on the analysis of the GPU cloud trace dataset.
    Job scheduling simulation of GPU cloud.
    Research and development of high-performance job scheduler.
    Reinforcement Learning, Statistical analysis
  • RnD Cloud trace dataset
    2021.03 - 2021.05
    Preparation and analysis of GPU cluster workload trace dataset.
  • Spark-function developement - Brightics A.I.
    2019.12 - 2020.12
    Spark function for Brightics v3.7 development.
    Apache Spark, Scala
  • Python SQL Query Executor, Brightics AI
    2019.03 - 2020.12
    Fast SQL query executor development on Python-Pandas.
    Python, Java
  • Brightics Studio
    2019.12 - 2020.12
    An open-source data analysis workflow tool.
    Python, Java
  • Guided Analytics - Brightics A.I.
    2019.03 - 2019.11
    Guided Analytics (Machine Learning automation) module development of Brightics A.I.
    Apache Spark, Scala
  • Gradient estimates for composites and its applications
    2016 - 2018
    Applied Mathematics research
  • Asymptotics and computation of the gradient blow-up solutions
    2014 - 2016
    Applied Mathematics research


  1. Spectral analysis of the Neumann-Poincare operator on the crescent-shaped domain and touching disks and analysis of plasmon resonance,.
    Y. Jung, M. Lim.
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.09458 , no. (2018): .

  2. Series expansions of the layer potential operators using the Faber polynomials and their applications to the transmission problem.
    Jung, Younghoon, Mikyoung Lim.
    SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 53, no. 2 (2021): 1630-1669.

  3. Numerical solution to the interface problem in a general domain using Moser’s deformation method.
    Eunhye Hong, Eunjung Lee, Younghoon Jung, Mikyoung Lim.
    Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 65, no. 1 (2021): 379-401.

  4. A decay estimate for the eigenvalues of the Neumann-Poincaré operator using the Grunsky coefficients.
    Jung, YoungHoon, Mikyoung Lim.
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148, no. 2 (2020): 591-600.

  5. A joint sparse recovery framework for accurate reconstruction of inclusions in elastic media.
    Jaejun Yoo, Younghoon Jung, Mikyoung Lim, Jong Chul Ye, Abdul Wahab.
    SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 10, no. 3 (2017): 1104-1138.


  1. Series expansion of single layer potential and Neumann-Poincare operator, contributed talk, KSIAM 2018 Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea.

  2. Series expansion of single layer potential and Neumann-Poincare operator, contributed talk, ICIP 2018 Singapore, Singapore.